Status - what is your progress? “Not started” — if you just planned the task, “In progress” — if you started working on it, “Done” — if it’s completed.
Champion — a person that is finally responsible for the task. For the person to appear on the list the page must be shared with them (see How to share a page with a team member )
Task — the task itself. We recommend naming it as informational as it is possible: ❌ “meet with Karl” | ✅ “Discuss the timeline with Karl”
Date — a) when you’ll do the task or b) the deadline of the task. We recommend breaking down the tasks as much as possible and specifying the date you’ll do the task instead of a deadline
Hours to do — how long will it take for you to complete the task. Track this data to manage your workload and keep it healthy!
Priority — how valuable this task is for the team
Project — select the project or add a new one to track the progress in the page
Total list — to see all the tasks with all the data. The best to overview