1. Go to the page and create a new row, filling out all the columns

<aside> πŸ’‘ You can automate this step by integrating Tally forms into your database. Learn how to do it here


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Status β€” on which stage of the hiring process the candidate is on.


New - just received the application

In Progress

Scheduled an interview - an interview date is set

Interviewed - already had a call or a meeting with the hiring manager

Testing - and applicant received the test assessment


Waiting list - awaits to be hired

Hired - became an employee

Rejected the offer - was proposed to hire, but didn’t agree

Disapproved - not a match for our company

Name β€” Name and Surname of candidates

Next contact β€” date of a next communication

Next action β€” what is the next step in a candidate’s process

Contact Manager β€” who is responsible for the hiring process of this person

Source β€” where we got an applicant from

Position β€” desired position in our team

Department β€” which team they will work in

CV β€” resume of an applicant

Email β€” contact email of an applicant

Phone β€” contact number of an applicant

Social media β€” LinkedIn, Instagram, or any other social media of an applicant in the form of a link

2. Use the Filter panel to navigate through the list of applicants

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3. Use the tabs to look at the data and update it in a more comfortable way

Full list β€” a complete database with full data on every applicant

Action Calendar β€” a day-to-day tab to see what and when you need to do with every active applicant

By position β€” the best one to see a big picture of progress on filling specific positions

By status β€” a tab to comfortably update the statuses of applicants

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